In general we water about twice a week, and spray the leaves and branches around every other day. The only windows in the room face east, so they get a lot of direct sun in the morning, and indirect the rest of the day. We've used some Miracle-Gro Liquid Houseplant Food, which we use for all our other house plants. In both cases starting from the bottom of the stem and growing up, the stem is turning a reddish-brown color with what seems to be the start of the redwood bark in what will be the trunk. It is only about the first 4-5 inches and after that the rest of the stem is still green like a plant's.
Specimen J2 is growing a bit fuller and maybe slightly taller. It grew a second set of branches radiating from the crown.
Specimen B2 is a little slower growing. Early on it had some "burning" of needles on some lower branches, possibly due to too much direct sunlight or under-watering. It seems to have recovered slowly but now is growing taller with more branches off the main stem.
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