Saturday, March 10, 2012

The second India Trip

I am returning to India for the second time in 2 years. This time I will be in Bangalore. It reminded me of the over preparation we made for the last trip as documented in my India Trip Inventory post . In fact most of those items we still have sitting in a cabinet in our kitchen pantry. When I visited the travel clinic they gave me a few shots, seasonal Flu vaccine and a Tdap booster ( Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis [whooping cough] ). The Dr. advised since I was going to Bangalore that there is not a lot of risk of Malaria in southern India, outside of some game parks, so no medicine was required. I could even bring some of the anti-biotics that were unused from the last trip.

Map of Karnataka province

On a totally unrelated note. Check out this cool demonstration of a parallax effects using jquery and 3 image layers (back, middle, front)