Sunday, June 19, 2011

Converting SWT to JFace

It has been a slow couple of weeks for my coding. I've had a lot of activities going on which have kept me away. Today I focused on making a major architectural change to PunchClock by reimplementing the view layer of PunchClock to completely use the JFace pattern instead of the pure SWT that was mostly there.

To do this I had to rewrite all of my custom SWT dialog shell code using various subclasses of the JFace Dialog class. All of my menu bar was replaced using a set of JFace MenuManagers with related Actions. Finally the main application Shell was implemented through a new class that extends ApplicationWindow and acts as the "central glue" for the new JFace implementation. As always the tutorials by Adrian Emmenis, "Using the Eclipse GUI outside the Eclipse Workbench", were my main guide in this process although was also able to use the SWT/JFace javadocs available in the Eclipse Platform API Specification reference site.

The purported benefits of using JFace is that it "is a UI toolkit that provides helper classes for developing UI features that can be tedious to implement". So one would hope that this could be quantified in terms of fewer lines of code, easier readability and/or maintainability. As PunchClock 0.2.1 is a fairly stable, simple application, using a couple of JFace dialogs, but not depending on it too much, I was hoping to see evidence of a benefit by switching over. To be honest, the experience today felt like rearranging deck chairs on a cruise ship. Generally what I needed to do was move methods around from a class that previously managed most of the SWT UI interactions and updates and put these chunks of code into other more object oriented classes, such as Dialogs, ApplicationWindow or Actions. A lot of my EventListeners, for menu items for example were easily converted to JFace Actions with a couple of constructor changes and converting the implementation of SelectionListener.widgetSelected() method to override the method. For example:
Before old SWT code with Listener for the "Open" menu item

* @param shell
public OpenAction(Shell shell, TimeTrackController controller, DialogSettings settings) {
_shell = shell;
_controller = controller;
_settings = settings;

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* (
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

// create new dialog where user enters the project name
final Shell dialog = new Shell(_shell, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM
dialog.setText("Open Project");
FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
formLayout.marginWidth = 10;
formLayout.marginHeight = 10;
formLayout.spacing = 10;
// position near parent window location
dialog.setLocation(_shell.getLocation().x + 10,
_shell.getLocation().y + 10);
// text displayed in dialog
Label openProjectLabel = new Label(dialog, SWT.NONE);
openProjectLabel.setText("Type a Project name:");
FormData data = new FormData();

//for combo box
String[] options = new String[]{};
List availableProjects = _controller.getProjects();
options = new String[availableProjects.size()];
}catch(IOException ioe){

//creates cancel button
Button cancel = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
data = new FormData();
data.width = 60;
data.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
cancel.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
System.out.println("User cancelled dialog");

//creates text box
//final Text textBox = new Text(dialog, SWT.BORDER);
data = new FormData();
data.width = 200;
data.left = new FormAttachment(openProjectLabel, 0, SWT.DEFAULT);
data.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0); = new FormAttachment(openProjectLabel, 0, SWT.CENTER);
data.bottom = new FormAttachment(cancel, 0, SWT.DEFAULT);

final Combo combo = new Combo(dialog, SWT.NONE);
combo.setItems (options);
//set the default text to the first option, can be overridden by user
if(options.length > 0){
String selectedOption = Configuration.getSetting(_settings, Configuration.LAST_PROJECT, options[0]);

//creates ok button
Button ok = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
data = new FormData();
data.width = 60;
data.right = new FormAttachment(cancel, 0, SWT.DEFAULT);
data.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0);
// nested inner class
new SelectionAdapter() {

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* #widgetSelected (
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
String selectedProject = combo.getText();
//set the project in the controller
//updated the last project setting with chosen value
_settings.put(Configuration.LAST_PROJECT, selectedProject);
// close the message dialog



Now becomes just:

* @param shell
public OpenAction(PunchClockWindow window) {
_window = window;
setText("&Open Project...\tCTRL+O");
ImageRegistry reg = Resources.getImageRegistry();

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.jface.action.Action#run()
public void run() {

// create new JFace dialog where user enters the project name
OpenProjectDialog projDialog = new OpenProjectDialog(_window);;

Now, a lot of the code above is actually still there, just contained in the new object OpenProjectDialog which extends JFace's Dialog class. The one big benefit I notice with Dialogs is that you get the OK and Cancel buttons "for free". So instead of needing to build the popup window from scratch as shown above, I just overrode and implemented the createDialogArea() and okPressed() methods from Dialog with my custom functions. That completely removes maintaining the Cancel button code from my responsibility for example.

Whether the conversion to JFace has objectively produced less code for the same exact results, I utilized a free code line counter, CLOC, to check how much improvements there were at all.

Before (v0.2.1 code pulled from SVN) v 1.53  T=0.5 s (64.0 files/s, 10350.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Java                            32            725           1680           2770
SUM:                            32            725           1680           2770
After JFace conversion of view layer v 1.53  T=0.5 s (66.0 files/s, 9538.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Java                            33            705           1510           2554
SUM:                            33            705           1510           2554
There was an 8% shrinking of the code. Not too bad, I'll take it.

JFace ApplicationWindow's mysterious separator line
One quirk that I did come across after the conversion to pure JFace implemenation of the main window, was that it seems the default behavior for ApplicationWindow is to create a separator line at the top of the window's "contents" panel. This is in case you have a menu. This wasn't there before the port, so I was pretty confused. I began coloring all the widgets in my UI to try to understand what was creating this line but had no luck, because it wasn't in my code after all. See the strange extra line on the left.
JFace application window adds this extra line, shown on the left.

In my ApplicationWindow class, it turns out you need to override the ApplicationWindow#showTopSeperator() method and make sure it returns false if you don't need it, and this depends on which OS you have e.g. for Windows 7 and Mac OSX the menu bar is separate from the application panel anyways, no separator is needed. It may mean that for some OSs like Win XP for example, I might need to make the code smarter to conditionally show the separator or not.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Punch Clock 0.2.1 and clickable edit button for SWT tables

After the release of Punch Clock 0.2.0 I observed a few issues that needed to be solved. I've just posted a new version, Punch Clock 0.2.1 which has these minor fixes and a new dialog to view the "audit" data in the UI.

One of the new features I added since 0.2.0 which I wanted to write about is the "Fix Session" button I have added to each row of the main table of data in PunchClock. This lets you go back after the fact and modify the times or other details for a record that has been saved. This was a true life-saver for me in practice as you often forget to start the timer at the right time, or want to put clarifying comments in later, etc. I implemented this with a click-able SWT button on every row with a wrench style icon.
Clicking on that button brings up a simple form in a dialog for editing the data in that row. Since I couldn't find an example that was exactly like this, I came up with an approach, still not sure if this is the most efficient way to do it. Here is how this was accomplished.

Using TableEditor to add the Buttons
I started from Snippet126 from the Eclipse SWT snippets site: "Table example snippet: place arbitrary controls in a table".

Using a class called org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableEditor which you construct with your Table, you specify a new control and place it against a particular TableItem in that Table, and even specify which column that control should be over. One way to picture this is that the TableEditor as floating above the Table as an invisible layer which you can put controls on that overlap your Table.

For example in my case, where table is an instance of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table

//get all the current items (rows) from your SWT table
TableItem [] items = table.getItems ();
for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {

//create the editor
TableEditor editor = new TableEditor(table);

//get the row
TableItem item = items[i];
//create my button
Button button = new Button (table, SWT.PUSH);
//my code to set the button icon image from an JFace ImageRegistry
button.setSize(16, 16);
button.setToolTipText("Fix this session");

//not sure if necessary, prevent the editor from being smaller than button
editor.minimumWidth = button.getSize ().x;
editor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.RIGHT;
//set the button to float over column 5 for this item
editor.setEditor (button, item, 5);

And that is it for the set up. Note regarding the JFace ImageRegistry, I have begun to use an excellent tutorial/article called Using the Eclipse GUI outside the Eclipse Workbench which has three parts. Part 2: Using the JFace image registry, describes the approach to creating an org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry that is then referred to whenever you need to display the same image repeatedly in the UI, as I do in the case for the little wrench icon.

Handling Button Clicks
While the above code drops the buttons on the tables, I need to then hook them up to display the edit dialog. This is done through adding a Selection Listener to the button being added to each row.

Again, I am not sure if this is the greatest way to implement this code, but I created a class called EditButtonListener which implemented the org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener interface, specifically calling my new dialog from the handleEvent() method. Something like this (with my form logic simplified to pseudo code).

public class EditButtonListener implements Listener {

private TableItem _tableItem;

* @param tableItem - dependency injection, keeps track of the row
public EditButtonListener(TableItem tableItem) {
_tableItem = tableItem;

/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener#handleEvent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event)
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
//get the parent shell for my table, needed to launch my new SWT dialog
Shell lShell = _tableItem.getParent().getShell();
//in my table the first column is a unique id
String sessionIdString = _tableItem.getText(0);
System.out.println("Button click for session id: "+sessionIdString);

final TimeSession selectedSession;
//retrieve the selected time session from the back end
}catch(Exception e){
throw new IllegalStateException(e);

// create new dialog where user enters the project name
final Shell dialog = new Shell(lShell, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM
dialog.setText("Fix this session");
FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
formLayout.marginWidth = 10;
formLayout.marginHeight = 10;
formLayout.spacing = 10;
// position near parent window location
dialog.setLocation(lShell.getLocation().x + 10,
lShell.getLocation().y + 10);
dialog.setSize(400, 400);
// text displayed in dialog i.e. field labels

// create combo box drop down selection
//final Combo combo = new Combo(dialog, SWT.NONE);
//combo.setItems (options);
//set current value to selected session's value
// text displayed in dialog i.e. field labels
//next text box field
//final Text startTimeBox = new Text(dialog, SWT.SINGLE | SWTSWT.BORDER );

//create cancel button
//Button cancel = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
//layout stuff...
//add listener for when cancel is pressed:
//cancel.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
// public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
// System.out.println("User cancelled dialog");
// dialog.close();
// }

//creates ok button
//Button ok = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH);
//layout stuff...
//add listener when OK button pressed
// nested anonymous inner class for listener, could be separate class too
//new SelectionAdapter() {

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* #widgetSelected (
//public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

//when OK is pressed save the current changes to the backend

// close the message dialog



//finish set up of dialog and call open()


To link the EditButtonListener back to the button I created above you would modify the button creation above slightly to include adding the Listener:

button.addListener(SWT.Selection, new EditButtonListener(item));

Now when clicked the form pops up

One way that I would like to try to improve on this design is to be able to reuse the same EditButtonListener, so instead of creating a new listener instance for each TableEditor button, I would reuse the same instance and it would determine which button was pressed from the event.item passed in to handleEvent(). I also want to remove all the dialog code from the EditButtonListener and implement that using a JFace dialog in its own class.